Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Labor markets Essay Example for Free

Labor markets Essay Low wages in developing countries has prompted textile-manufacturers to migrate their operations from high wage countries. High wage countries who are also often more developed have also benefited by better product prices and the development of their labor markets to become specialized and technical. However, this has also severely reduced the number of jobs available particularly for skilled labor markets. Palley (2006) reflects that an amplification of such a scenario results in high wage markets to lose buying power and labor surplus will shift power from workers to the extent of overwhelm workers’ welfare. Another issue that has gained concern is the issue of labor exploitation. Seyoum (2007) believes that in the rush to establish transnational operations by companies in low wage developing countries and the eagerness of the se countries for businesses to boost the economy, the issue of welfare, working conditions and labor issues was not fully addressed. The inclusion of labor regulations in international trade agreements can address the issues effectively but there are significant challenges in enforcing and monitoring work standards within and across trade agreements. The liberalization of trade has allowed for greater opportunities in importing and exporting. It has increased product options, supply and distribution channels as well as skills that can be utilized to create and market products. However, this has also created greater challenges for retailers since more products are available creating the possibility of price wars and shifting power to buyers. Therefore, retail marketers have to devote greater effort in establishing product differentiation and loyalty. Despite the gravity of the issue, Palley (2006) points out that the general public has no significant opinion regarding where their clothes are manufactured that influences their buying habits. However, this does not mean that they have no awareness of the issues that involve transnational manufacturing, importing, exporting and labor issues. A survey of opinions suggested that a significant number of people have concerns about the impact to labor markets rather on the clothing product itself: price remains to a primary motivation. Many suggest that existing trends and issues are part of the adjustments necessary in establishing globalization. References Seyoum, Belay (2007). Trade liberalization and patterns of strategic adjustment in the US textiles and clothing industry. International Business Review, Volume 16, Issue 1, February. pp 109-135 Palley, Thomas I. (2006). Thinking Outside the Box about Trade, Development, and Poverty Reduction. Economics For Democratic And Open Societies, Project, Policy Paper #1. Washington DC: Economics for Democratic and Open Societies Project.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Top 5 Inventions for Economic Growth :: essays research papers

The ultimate engine of economic growth is new technology. According to economists, the growth of output per capita is a fairly recent phenomenon. This can be attributed to all the new technology people have discovered in the past few centuries, causing output growth to surge and accelerate faster than ever before in history. The result of all these ingenious, innovative inventions has been a total revolution in the way people live their lives. After examining the multitude of invention descriptions on the four websites and considering from other sources, I have concluded that the telephone, printing press, automobile, airplane and the computer have contributed most to economic growth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First and foremost, the invention of the telephone is ranked number one among my five choices. From my own judgment, this would seem to contribute the most to economic growth. Until the invention of this magnificent device, messengers often had to be sent long distances to deliver information. Intercontinental and overseas communication would take months or even years. From an economic standpoint, companies could relay information between themselves and others instantaneously and make decisions and react to internal and external factors extremely quickly. Essentially, it accelerated the world economy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now, the second among my choices was the printing press invented during the Renaissance period by Johannes Gutenberg. This item revolutionized printing, â€Å"making it simple and more affordable† (http://www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/indexp.shtml). This would enable information to become widely available among the populace. Although it may not have occurred right away, this would increase the education among a society and harvest more educated people with more potential. Number three on the list is the automobile. This invention would enable people to traverse large distances in dramatically less time than ever before. Companies could deliver goods and services much quicker, people had much more control of where to go then previously with the steam engine. Also with the invention of the automobile, the horse and carriage and other modes of primitive transportation have become obsolete. This new technology ultimately would accelerate the speed of the economy and increase economic growth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The invention of the airplane by the Wright brothers changed the world, so number four would be the airplane. Again, like the automobile, people would be able to travel great distances in so much less time, and eventually intercontinental travel would be possible. The invention of this enables companies expand across the globe and people to travel with more ease.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Communication and Collaboration Strategy Essay

Being able to accomplish a task with a team can be both rewarding and challenging. Learning how to effectively work with a group of people from diverse backgrounds can ultimately be draining. First and foremost there has to be an understanding that everyone is not the same, personalities are different, attitudes are different, work habits are not the same, and definitely learning styles are different. Becoming more sensitive with other team members actions or behaviors is a must. This will help to guide the team as a whole in developing different work strategies to reach the success of the team. The tests that I took to determine my personality and learning style were called â€Å"Multiple Pathways to Learning and the Personality Spectrum. † My highest most dominant personality scores were about equal between â€Å"organizer, thinker, and giver† my weakest point was being an adventurer. It also revealed that I my most dominant learning style is bodily-kinesthetic, musical, intrapersonal, and interpersonal but I am also verbal-linguistic. I find that I do agree with the results of these tests and I will use these learning styles to connect to my fellow team members that are in my group and those that are yet to come. I can use these beneficial techniques in my studies and work on those benefits that I am not yet strong in. There are other different personality types that were mentioned in the tests, they include: Thinker, Giver, and Adventurer, along with Organizer. They can all have an effective way that can increase the advance of a team. Thinkers are good at solving problems, and are very efficient when constructing models, while still able to analyze things. The Givers are peaceful, helpful, and caring and are very useful when dealing with human relationships. During times of conflicts between the team givers are exceptional at resolving the conflict and are seemingly good at negotiating (Carter, Bishop, & Kravits 2007). The Adventurer are individuals who love to explore new things. They often excel at new ideas and are also problem solvers. They also are always thinking of new ways to learn and are very good a puzzles and riddles. The different learning styles that are helpful in a team environment are: visual-spatial learning, verbal-linguistic, interpersonal, and logical-mathematics. People with the Verbal-Linguistic learning style are those people who are good in remembering terms, and familiarizing sentence structures, syntax, and word meanings (Carter, Bishop, & Kravits 2007). These individuals are also good in grammar, and would excel in teaching, and discussion. The best way to communicate with these individuals would be to be as clear as possible. Individuals with interpersonal learning style like being around people so this would best work in a team environment. Always in a clear manner they have no problem expressing themselves either verbally or non- verbally. The best way to deal with these individuals would be to allow them to express their concerns and find a way to get the job done. Being kind and warm with these individuals will help to further the progress of the team. Individuals with logical-mathematics are always reasoning logically. These individuals have above average skills when it comes to scientific reasoning and using tables and charts. It is best to use logical communication skills when dealing with this learning style. Maybe make presentations with charts and graphs or just plain common sense. When dealing with a team environment you have to first set ground rules and figure out a way that everyone can have their voice heard. This will ensure that no one is left out and everyone participates without any problems or conflicts. But should they arise being patient with one another and allowing an open floor for discussion will be beneficial to resolving any conflicts and getting the job done.